Well, as much as I do not like to admit, I am not invincible. I’ve been incredibly lucky in my 12 years of endurance athletics in staying injury free and I credit that to my wonderful Team Ronbo (Coach Carole/Tri and overall, Coach Corinne/swim, Coach Janet/run, Dave Davis/body work, Brandon Brown/PT, Adam Wolf/movement, and many others) ! But starting as a 322 fatty to the athlete I am today requires a lot of time, dedication, and education. Doing everything “right” cannot counteract genetics and old age (45 is NOT old dangit!).
So I thought I would provide a record of what happened to me, how I prepared, and how the recovery went. I hope this helps someone else in their journey.
See the menu if you want to skip ahead… but otherwise, let’s start at the beginning – How did I know I had a problem?
Recap of the work done – what happened and what does it mean for 2017 Race season?
Any questions, please drop them in the comments.