September 10, 2013
This last weekend was Rev3 Cedar Point. A race I was looking forward to not so much from the competitive side (I pretty much assumed I would get STOMPED in my HalfRev Aquabike division) but from the social aspect.
Not only would the Rev3 Staff and Team be there, but some of my online friends and quite a few from the Prairie Dogs and Midwest Misfits teams I am associated with in one way or another. The kids were going to stay with the grandparents so Liz and I would be able to do things on our own pace and go with the flow.
So we get there Sat early, get settled, and I go off to the Swim Practice, check in and all that.
Multiple people mention… you should be doing the Full! for those that don’t know, that means my race would change from a 1.2mile swim and 56mile bike to a 2.4mile swim and 112 mile bike. So from a 3hrs 45min day to an 8ish hour day.
As the day went on, the topic came up again… and again…. and then I found out there were only (3) people in the FullRev Aquabike division. Hmmmmm… The only way I can improve my Age Group Series Rankings score would be to get a 3rd or better to improve my chances… So could I land a 3rd? Get podium AND improve my chances? Hmmmmm….
We were heading back to the hotel to rest before dinner and I saw the FullRev medal… OMG, it LIGHTS UP. How Cool!! Hmmmmm…..
I asked Liz if she cared if I raced for 8 hours, instead of 4.. nope. Going with the flow…Hmmmmm…..
I threw it out to my social media friends – yeah well, they’re a bunch of enablers (ok and I love them for that) – of course they said yes.
I emailed my coach, figuring she would put the Kabosh on this crazy though in my head…. Response? ”I love it!!! Do it!!!”
OK, TIME TO TAKE A RISK! I switched. Yes, I had to scramble to get my registration changed, bike moved, learn the FullRev procedures (which are TOTALLY different), dig through my car to find enough Gels, stop at Walmart for more Aquaphor (lube for the booty… going to need it!) and some bars to eat on the ride, etc.
And I’m glad I did. The risk was DNF (did not finish, which I’ve never DNF’d before and it will take a LOT for me to ever do so) but the reward for finishing (which I did, 8hrs 2ish minutes) was a serious confidence boost on where my fitness was really at. I’m still smiling in satisfaction. The 15-20mph winds w/ gusts almost to 30 made it a real challenge.
Plus, I had an amazingly awesome time at the finish line party from 8pm-1am.
I saw this image this weekend. No, that’s not me, but it might as well as have been 9 years ago. I took a risk then (as he is) and look where it’s led me.
Take a risk… you never know where it will take you!