October 5, 2014
September 4, 2014 I got some big news. I mean REALLY big news. We found out that Rev3 will be merging with the Challenge Family to form a much bigger, much more awesome series of triathlons.
You can read the official press release here, however, I thought I would share the TOP THINGS I think are cool about this:
1. There are now 10 – 140.6 Races we can choose from. Can anyone say Challenge ROTH? The FASTEST 140.6 course on the planet? Oh yeah… But it’s not all about distance. You will see Rev3 races will continue to offer Sprint, Olympic, Half and 140.6 distances and maybe some of the Challenge races to at some shorter races too. More choices!
2. They will still have an Age Group Team! Some of the amazing, diverse, and overall awesome folk you’ll ever meet in triathlon. Applications still being accepted until 11/15/14 – go here. NOTE: Read the requirements – although many are super fast that is NOT the main requirement. It’s far more about being an ambassador of the sport.
3. Challenge Family is Family Oriented. Triathlon is a lifestyle and that lifestyle involves your family. Just like Rev3 expect multiple distances of races, kids activities, kids races, and more!
4. Challenge Travel and Challenge Tours. Many Challenge races are at “destination” locations (Germany, Philippines, Canada, etc) and they have you covered if you need help making travel arrangements.
5. They are about the Athlete. Whether it is tips from pros, coaching packages, women specific training groups/races, nutrition tips, discounts for training aides, and more. They’ve got you covered. Check it out here.
6. The Rev3 Crew. Rev3 has had one of the top race production crews in the US and that won’t change! I love these guys!
There’s more in the works and they’ll be announced over the winter. So are you ready to take the CHALLENGE? Perhaps a travel destination? As the weather gets cold you bet I’ve got my eyes on a destination or two… hope to see you there!