April 16, 2013
Thank you all for gathering here today to remember those who lost so much at yesterday’s Boston Marathon tragedy.
Let’s take a moment to remember why we run and why we’re here:
We run today for those who celebrated their dreams yesterday.
We run today for the friends and family who came to support those dreams.
We run today for those volunteers and staff who support those dreams.
We run today for those wounded, who may never run again.
We run today for the three who died, who will never run again.
We run for health.
We run for hope.
We run for love.
We run to banish the darkness in men’s souls which led them to such unspeakable acts of cowardice.
Please observe a moment of silence to remember those who are suffering today. Remember those who came to their aid, showing the goodness of mankind, and reminding us to strive for the same.
Thank you for coming.
Let’s Run!